Webinar: The Multi-Billion Dollar Healthcare Opportunity for CPGs

July 14, 2021

Presented by:

Danielle Bradnan


As healthcare evolves in wake of COVID-19, the industry is undergoing paradigm shifts which is opening up new opportunities for non-healthcare companies particularly as it relates to wellness. This is indeed disruptive considering that this space has always been dominated by the so-called traditional healthcare companies. How can non-healthcare companies tap into this opportunity? How can they navigate this complex and poorly defined space to bring products to market? In this webinar, we will discuss what wellness means and how healthcare is transitioning from a reactive disease-management approach that is prevalent today to a proactive wellness management approach. Using case studies, we will point out what works and what doesn’t and how clients can avoid potential pitfalls while entering this space.


The Multi-Billion Dollar Healthcare Opportunity for CPGs