Webinar: Readying for Solar's Renaissance: Tomorrow's Winners of Today's PV Innovation

June 26, 2012


Today’s photovoltaics (PV) market dynamics are challenging, to say the least, with oversupply and flat demand, but a recovery will come in a few years. When it does, PV companies will need to be ready with next-generation technologies that drive down $/W, as there is not much more blood that can be squeezed from today’s cost stone. Most major cell and module manufacturers as well as large materials companies are investing in the development of next-generation PV technologies that raise efficiency, disrupt current materials stacks, and drive up profit margins, but the battle is only just beginning. A future generation of PV technologies are emerging that offer both low $/W and are easy to scale using substantially existing PV infrastructure. In particular, this webinar will focus on:

  • Disruptive materials and cell designs
  • Innovations that stand to change the cost equations for PV cell and module manufacturing tomorrow
  • Hyped technology unlikely to reach commercialization