Webinar: The Great Hydrogen Debate: The Hype and Hope of a Hydrogen Economy

June 9, 2021

Presented by:

Principal Analyst
Senior Consultant
Managing Director, Research

Chief Product Officer


The hydrogen economy has become the energy sector’s favorite buzzword. However, fully realizing the massive decarbonization potential of the universe’s simplest element would require replicating 100 years of oil and gas infrastructure success in just a few decades. Furthermore, hydrogen’s dominance remains far from certain, with existential competition from alternative low- and zero-carbon energies. Add in political, economic, and climate uncertainties and the future of hydrogen quickly becomes hazier than supporters claim. To help untangle what exactly a hydrogen economy will look like, the fundamental enabling technologies, and, most importantly, the timeline and potential opportunities among the hype and hope of hydrogen – Lux analysts will debate all things hydrogen economy. They will present insights and varying opinions to understand what a hydrogen world would look like and the effort required to achieve it.